illegal immigrants in the United States

Trying to enter the United States illegally is not recommended, for a variety of reasons, including extreme danger and loss of life. Every year many people who try to enter the United States illegally, many to work illegally in the United States, become victims of violent crime by gang members along the way. Whether you’re traveling alone, with a small group, or a caravan, to the United States, you’re going to be in extreme danger. There are many illegal immigrants in the United States who have scary stories to tell about going illegally to the United States. Illegal immigration to the United States is controlled by US border police, who capture illegals in the United States, and those who cross US borders illegally.

Don't go to the United States illegally


Criminals even gang members take advantage of illegal immigrants on their way to the United States illegally


Some illegal migrants are killed before reaching the border and others die from extreme weather conditions


Many illegal immigrants spend time in jail and are prohibited from returning to the United States

Danger statistics

1 %

Health professionals report that up to six out of ten illegal migrant women and girls are raped on the journey to the USA.

Police Apprehensions
1 %

The US Border Patrol’s apprehensions of illegal immigrants increased by 38 percent from February to March.

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US Visa

Green Card

Asylum in USA